Alternative Schools
Sometimes a regular school is not the right fit for a child. Perhaps she needs an alternative school.

What is an alternative school? For most of us the term alternative school means a school with a non-traditional program. Its students could be 'gifted' or 'troubled' or have special learning needs.

Schools For The Gifted
Many schools for the gifted offer enrichment in academic subjects. Others specialize in the arts. Most of the students in these schools excel at their school work and in their artistic endeavors. They thrive in a school setting where they don't have to waste time on non-essential courses. The extra time gained is spent on music lessons, rehearsals and studio time.

Schools for Troubled Teens

Schools for troubled teens are often styled 'therapeutic' schools. Their students have been unable to succeed academically in regular schools. Perhaps discipline is a problem. Or the child has an eating disorder or is suicidal. The program at a therapeutic school tends to be highly structured so that a child learns how to cope. Some therapeutic schools deal with substance abuse issues. Children who are addicted to drugs and alcohol can find the professional help and counseling they need to change their lives. Other schools specialize in emotional growth issues.

Admission to these schools is on an 'as needed' basis. You won't have to wait until a certain date to admit your child. Some schools have minimum stays in order to ensure the effectiveness of their programs.

Schools for At Risk Teens
Several cities offer 'street schools' modeled after the highly successful Denver

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Technology in Private Schools

Technology in Private Schools
Private schools use technology to support and enhance their academic programs. Most of them have been doing this since the early 1990's.

What is the state of technology in private schools? In most private schools teachers and students have been using computers since the mid 1990s. Tablets are the norm. Wireless networking and electronic presentation devices such as whiteboards, LCD displays, and projectors are all part of the private school teacher's bag of tricks. In the old days, technology was a curious somewhat fascinating add-on. You went to a computer lab and taught keyboarding or used programs such as MathBlaster. In the 21st century technology supports and enhances all aspects of the curriculum and teaching. Everybody has their own portable computer with the flexibility and efficiency such mobility encourages.

How important is technology in schools?

American University makes the case succinctly as follows: " How important is technology in education? The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly demonstrating why online education should be a vital part of teaching and learning. By integrating technology into existing curricula, as opposed to using it solely as a crisis-management tool, teachers can harness online learning as a powerful educational tool.

The effective use of digital learning tools in classrooms can increase student engagement, help teachers improve their lesson plans, and facilitate personalized learning. It also helps students build essential 21st-century skills."

This TEDTalk discusses how technology makes learning more dynamic and engaging.

Teaching the digital generation

Most students live in a digital world. They have never known analog devices such as calculators

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Charter Schools and Vouchers

Charter Schools and Vouchers
Are charter schools private schools? What do vouchers have to do with private schools? Some answers here.

Charter Schools
Is a charter school a private school? No. It is a public K-12 school. It receives public funding but operates without some of the arcane regulations most public schools must abide by. Read 10 Things To Know About Charter Schools. Charter schools can be found in most major urban areas. Some of them are well-run and funded adequately. Others have been a financial disaster. Charter schools tend to be small and have small class sizes.

The idea behind vouchers is to give lower income families an alternative to poorly performing public schools. Vouchers are a lightning rod in educational circles. Teachers unions universally despise them. Politicians avoid them. In places where voucher programs have taken hold, such as in Milwaukee and Cleveland, the response has been positive. The points of contention have to do with the use of public funds to pay parochial school fees and the diversion of public funds from public schools.

What vouchers are really all about is an attempt to provide some kind of school choice for parents with children in poorly performing public schools.

Becoming a Teacher Later

Becoming a Teacher Later
Many people have successful careers only to realize that something is missing. Teaching can satisfy that missing 'something'. Explore the possibilities of becoming a teacher in your 30's, 40's and even your 50's.

Many people enjoy successful careers only to realize that something is missing. That 'something' is often supplied by a desire to teach. Can you become a teacher later in life? The answer is a qualified 'Yes!' What is involved? It would be best to ensure that your credentials are in order. A master's degree in your subject will always get your resume noticed. The most effective ways of networking teaching certificate and education courses will powerfully support your application.

Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

Are you a digital dinosaur?
If you have not interwoven technology into your life, look at some profession other than teaching. Private schools have been in the vanguard of technology use in the classroom since the mid-1990s. Being a digital dinosaur will not cut it if you plan to become a teacher in a private school.

This TED Talk discusses the changes in classroom teaching that digital learning has made possible.

Communications are almost entirely digital. Instant messaging and email allow you to ask questions, give instructions, alert people, and so on. Keeping your lesson plans in Microsoft Word or Access enables you to update those valuable lesson plans efficiently. Presenting your lessons on a powerful application such as PowerPoint will give your presentation a dynamic, state-of-the-art feel. Your students will operate in a work environment where these tools are used.


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School Year Abroad

School Year Abroad
Several private schools offer a whole academic year abroad. Still others offer a summer abroad.
Spending a summer abroad sounds exotic and expensive. But it doesn't have to be. Why should you consider spending a summer abroad? I can think of three reasons.

1. See how people in other countries live.

While it's certainly true that our world has shrunk in so many ways and that we have many things in common, you will find Europeans, Asians and even Canadians do things differently. Seeing how people go about their everyday lives is one of the lasting impressions you will receive from your travels outside the U.S.A.

2. Enjoy yourself.

You have worked hard throughout your high school years. You got accepted by your first-choice college. Spending a month exploring England or Germany or another country will be an exciting break from all that heavy-duty academic work.

3. Reinvent Yourself.

Being away from home can be a bitter-sweet experience. In this case, spending a summer abroad will be mostly sweet. Thanks to WhatsApp and Viber, you are never out of touch with your family back home. That's reassuring for both you and them. Having time to think about things on your own helps clarify your thinking. That will help you plan the year ahead. That first year in college will offer plenty of new challenges.

Several private schools offer a whole academic year abroad. Still others offer a summer abroad. These are enrichment programs designed to expose students who participate in them to the culture and customs of the host country. Promoting global understanding is an underlying

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