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Notes for Prospective Students

PINE TREE MONTESSORI IS DEDICATED TO... Having children develop a feeling of acceptance by their teacher and peers. Developing a positive self-image and the sense of self-acceptance within each other. Teaching the children to express their feelings, resolve tension and solve problems in a socially acceptable manner. CURRICULUM Our classrooms are very spacious and contain materials and equipment organized into ares that encourage children to play, work and learn. MATHEMATICS BLOCKS AND MUSIC PHONICS CALISTHENICS LITERACY/READING BOOKS SCIENCE ART AND MUSIC GARDENING COGNITIVE and ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT The building blocks to future academic learning begins in preschool. Children learn at the preschool level to develop and acquire academic knowledge, which will help them through their lives. The child's self-esteem and belief that he/she is a great learner and is important to nurture during this time. Developing academic and cognitive skills, with the child's self-esteem as the emphasis, creates bright, enthusiastic and inquisitive students. Children love to learn and become part of the grown up world though acquiring knowledge such as: -Learning primary and secondary colors. -Learning to name and draw at last 6 basic shapes. -Learning to write the upper and lower case of the alphabet. -learning to count from 0-100 -Learning to write the numbers 0-100 -Learning basic math. -Learning to sort and categorize objects using size, shape, and colors. -Being able to recreate and establish four object color and shapes pattern. -Learning the concept of opposite items. (l.e. Hard/soft wet/dry up/down) -Learning basic science concepts (animal classification, weather patters, germinating seeds of flowers and vegetables and planting the resulting seedlings.) -Learning to take care of animals. We have on premises many kinds of birds, rabbits, and baby chickens. Language Development As a child's language skills develop so does his understanding of the world around him. Children who are able to express themselves and who feels as if they are understood become more confident and self-assured each day. Our Language Development Program includes: 1. Developing, expanding and refining vocabulary and sentence structure by introducing new learning opportunities and experiences. 2. Increasing the child's comprehension skills through open-ended questions and answers. 3. Learning to describe happenings along with cause and effect. 4. Developing the child's ability to comprehend simple instructions and stories. 5. Developing pre-reading skills through story time and access to books. Social and Emotional Development Children develop social skills while engaging in activities with other adults and children. Playing with their friends help teach the children to work together and help them realize that everyone is different. Social and emotional development encourages children to care and respect other as well as themselves, share, make decisions. work cooperatively, solve problems, express feelings, control impulses, develop initiating and following skills, and caring for equipment and other class room material.

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