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Notes for Prospective Students

Horizons School is designed for young adults ages 18 to 26 who:Have a primary diagnosis of a specific learning disability or developmental disability (IQ of 65 or above)Show evidence of psychological and emotional stability. We do not accept students with clinical diagnoses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, mood disorders, or personality disorders.Have a high school diploma, GED, and/or a certificate of high school completion / attendanceAre capable of living in an apartment with a roommate with minimal supervisionHave sufficient mobility to access the community with limited assistance. The student residential building does not have first floor apartments.Are capable of managing own medication and other health needs with minimal promptingHave continuous parent / guardian supportMotivated to fully engage in the program and respond positively to supervisionDoes not require 1:1 intervention/interaction throughout the day and is capable of simple decision-makingCapable of self-care and activities of daily living without prompting (e.g. eating, brushing teeth, dressing, toileting,basic hygiene and grooming)Be free from patterns of aggression or abuse toward self, others and property

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