Checklist For Comparing Schools

Use this checklist to help you compare schools on your short list.

Use this checklist to keep track of your questions and answers to those questions as you visit each school on your short list. There is a lot of information to assimilate as you make those important visits. It will be easy to forget details unless you note them promptly.

School DemographicsSchool #1School #2School #3
Day or boarding
Coed or single sex
Number of students
Number of boarders
Number of day students
How diverse is the student body?
Number of faculty
Student-to-faculty ratio
Administration and Faculty
How long has the headmaster/principal been in office?
How large is the endowment?
The financial condition of school (Excellent to marginal)
Number of faculty with advanced degrees
Staff turnover (If turnover, why?)
Curriculum and Instruction
IB offered?
Number of AP courses
Teaching methods (Harkness, classical, etc.)
Is technology integrated into teaching?
Religious Emphasis
Which denomination or faith?
Intensity of observances (relaxed to mandatory)
Campus and Facilities
General Appearance
Athletics facilities
Sports programs
Arts facilities
Arts programs
Security and safety
Urban? Rural?
Convenient? Isolated?
Is staff helpful?
Policies and procedures
Shadowing permitted?
Quality of visit and tour
Tuition Fees
Financial aid offered

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