Extracurricular Activities: Why They Are so Important
Extracurricular activities are not an extra in a private school. They are an integral part of the program each school offers.

How can extracurricular activities possibly be important? After all, aren't they extras? Unfortunately, in these tough economic times, that is very often the case in public schools where all too often local education leaders view extracurricular activities as extras. As they have faced declining tax revenues, public schools have had to make some drastic cuts in their budgets. School boards have a hard time justifying cutting the number of teachers. They run up against the same problem with course offerings. So, school boards and administrators look for programs which they can eliminate or, at least, reduce expenditures. Accordingly, they decide to cut the extras. In the public school world, those extras include extracurricular activities such as a band or orchestra, as well as clubs and other activities.

On the other hand, for private schools, extracurricular activities are an integral part of the school's offerings. Solid academics, a variety of athletic programs and an assortment of extracurricular activities are essentials in private schools. Most private schools believe that you cannot educate a child solely by teaching her academic subjects. While math, science and all the other subjects are an important part of her schooling, there is much more to education than just academics. That's where sports and extracurricular activities come in. They allow your child to grow. They stimulate her with new ideas and new ways of thinking. They give her a sense of accomplishment and build her confidence. They teach tolerance and encourage teamwork. These

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5 Factors for a Successful Private School Experience

5 Factors for a Successful Private School Experience
As you consider sending your child to private school, think about these five factors which make for a successful private school experience.
So, you are considering sending your child to private school. As the idea gels and your selection process gets underway, think about these five factors which will make for a successful private school experience. After all, you want the best possible outcome for your child. You want her to benefit from the enriched academic experience which a private school can offer. But most of all, you want her to be happy in her new private school environment. You also want the peace of mind which comes from knowing that you have made all the right decisions.

The right school

So, with dozens of private schools to choose from, choosing the right one is probably the most crucial item on this list of factors for a successful private school education. Which is the right school? You'll know it when you visit it and speak with the admissions staff. It will be the school which best meets both your requirements as a parent, and the requirements of that precious cargo which you are about to entrust to the school. You can review the statistics and data about the school. You can determine that its philosophy and educational mission align with your goals and objectives. But the real question for which you need to find the answer is how will your child fit in. If you feel comfortable about your answer to that question, you are all set. You will have chosen the right school.

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Choosing Schools: The Safe School

Choosing Schools: The Safe School
The idea behind a safe school is that you know your child will get into at least one of the schools on your short list. Let's start by reviewing the steps in the process.

The idea behind a safe school is that you know your child will get into at least one of the schools on your shortlist. Let's start by reviewing the steps in the process.

1. Cast your net as widely as you want.

This is the fun part of the process. Look at anything and everything. No holds barred. If a school in Dallas appeals to you, put it on the list. If one in Lakeville, Connecticut floats your boat, add it to your list. You should end up with 15-20 schools on your first list. Be sure to visit each one virtually. Most schools will have videos so that you can get an idea of what the schools are like by watching the videos. This is not a substitute for visiting a school. It's merely the first pass.

While this video discusses applying to safe colleges, the same reasoning applies to private high schools.

2. Create a shortlist of schools.

This is where you have to determine which school or schools will be your safe school. What exactly is a safe school? It's a school to which you have an excellent chance of being admitted. It's a school which perhaps is not as competitive as some of the others on your list.

That is the challenge of the second step in this process. You must determine as accurately as possible which schools are genuine reaches or schools which you

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5 Features Every Private High School Should Have

5 Features Every Private High School Should Have
These features are the main reasons why you are considering sending your child to private high school.

When you consider sending your child to a private school, you will spend much time reviewing school websites. As you do that, remember that you see what the schools want you to see. Think of the private school website as its front door and entrance hall; you will get the idea. Once you get to the next stage of the school search process, look for the five features every good private school should have. Doing your due diligence will take a lot of your time, but confirming that schools on your short list meet your needs and requirements is necessary.

Small Classes

Small classes are at the top of the list of features that every private school should have. If the private high school that you are looking at doesn't have small classes, what is the point of taking your child out of public school? Obviously, the adjective small can be interpreted in different ways. Typically, a class size of 12-15 students will allow students plenty of interaction with their teacher. That interaction is a critical part of learning and is one of the features you must look for when considering sending your child to a private high school.

This Savannah Country Day School video illustrates some of the features you should look for in a private school.

Small classes mean that your child won't just be a number. She cannot fall through the cracks.

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5 Admissions Mistakes

5 Admissions Mistakes
Planning and care can avoid these five common admissions mistakes.

The following five common admission mistakes can and should be avoided. With a little advance planning and organization, this is quite doable. The point of avoiding these common admissions mistakes is to improve your child's chances during the entire admissions process.

Plan your private school search process. On this site, we have several articles which you can bookmark and refer to from time as you work through what is, after all, a lengthy, 16-18 month process on average. Our Applications Calendar will help keep you organized from week to week, month to month. With a long-term project like choosing a private school, it is easy to lose sight of some of the important deadlines. When that happens, you will stress yourself unduly as you try to accomplish several months' work in a few weeks.

1. Not Observing the Deadlines

Deadlines are set for a reason. The admissions staff has hundreds of applications to process. If you miss the deadlines, it may not be a big deal to you. But it does send a signal to the admissions staff. Most likely the wrong signal.

Missing deadlines due to unforeseen circumstances happens. If that happens to you, then call immediately when you realize you will not be able to meet the deadlines. People will be much more accommodating when you alert them before, not after, the fact.

Remember that each private school is unique. Many have the same deadlines. Others set their own cutoff dates. Be careful

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